JUNE 3, 2023
This week’s article is coming out under the light of a Full, Sagittarius Moon. With more going on than we can shake a stick at, the big news is that every year at this time, the Dog Star, Sirius, disappears from the night sky. The spiritual twin of our Sun, he won’t be seen again in these parts until somewhere between August 7th and August 27th.
The ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as the giver of life. Every June, when the star sank in the west and disappeared from the night sky, it remained hidden for seventy days or more before reemerging in the east in the morning. In their belief system this was understood to be a time of death and rebirth.
Even though we have lost touch with the significance of Sirius and his comings and goings, ‘As Above, So Below’ always applies and his comings and goings are as real for us now as they were then. From an energetic perspective we are entering a couple of months’ worth of difficult ‘stuff’. To tell you the truth, keeping an eye on it is starting to take its toll on me. This article is a little late getting posted because I looked at the charts for the week ahead and thought to myself; ‘What can you possibly say about this, and who made it your job? At this point things are so crazy, nothing is subject to prediction. Dress Rehearsal’s over. It’s ‘Show Time’ and everything rests in the arms of Human Free Will’, at a time when Human Free Will is out to lunch’.
Because Sirius is also referred to as our ‘Spiritual Sun’, or our Sun’s higher self, when he departs for the underworld, we here on Earth pass through an energetic nether region that goes on for a couple of months and which, in spite of all the light filled metaphors that we attach to the Summer Solstice, is famous for its level of darkness and difficulty.
We are just entering this stretch. Things are already out of control. Strap yourself in and keep your heart tuned to the High Road. The dam is breaking on more than a few fronts. For those of you who like to keep up with these things, here are a few aspects that highlight the week ahead:
There is more. I could go on about the stars but it’s over the top and it’s starting to get to me. Aside from that I have to talk with you about something that I’ve been putting off for a while.
For the last few years, the people who love and care for me have been telling me to start charging for these weekly reports. Between my ‘poverty complex’ and the fear that charging money for my work would turn me into a ‘Lipstick Astrologer’ I always said, ‘No’, to their advice. Of late, between my age, the time it takes to study the charts and write the words, and the fact that week after week I feel more like an EMT or a CSI reporter than an astrologer, I have decided to charge a nominal fee for the column that I post here every weekend. You could say, ‘Don’t work so hard, or go so deep, or take that much time’, but that’s not me. Besides, when I look at these charts and see what I see there’s no way to ‘unsee’ it or talk about the train wreck without paying attention to the blood on the tracks. Keeping it light wouldn’t just be condescending, it would be lying to you.
The logistics that go with this decision are underway. I don’t know how long these things take, or what form they will take, but the next time we meet there may be some financial noodling to do. The fee will be fair and nominal.
I hope that you understand – I hope that this won’t stop you from tuning in or stop us from connecting. I will keep doing my best to share myself with you: your support will make that, and my life, easier for me.
That’s all for now. Your horoscopes are here. Sorry for the delayed posting. It took me a while to figure out how to explain this. Till next time –
ARIES: March 21 – April 20
No one has ever been able to tell you a thing, but I will take a chance and go for it. You can keep this up but sooner or later it'll be one of those things that reminds you what you would have done if you had known better. You have arrived at the place that everyone gets to when they realize they went too far. If you have your wits about you, it will be easier to pull your head out of your butt and tell everyone why you feel the way you do. Coming back to yourself is the only way. Let all of your actions reflect your desire to finally give birth to whatever you’ve put off for far too long.
TAURUS: April 21 – May 20
Playing both ends to the middle is what's going on. Sooner or later, you're going to have to make a choice. Others are freaking out about the fact that they don't know where you're coming from, and you are so wrapped up in who you think you are, you stopped looking at the reality of your situation about a year ago. Now that it's time to face things you've got to get down to the bone and stop over dramatizing them. Life is pretty simple when you come right down to it; but the truth can be a hard thing to tell. Once you give it a voice it'll open the space for you to move on.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
Life has put you in the hot seat and you are either rising to the occasion or you're imagining the worst and praying your ass off. Others are oblivious, so don't waste a minute expecting people to turn into something they are not. What's up to you would be less of a deal if anyone had bothered to give you a template, or some instructions for it. As you get accustomed to the fact that what's on top of the stack is entirely up to you, you will begin to see who's who. Lots of heavy-duty liars and posers have shown up to test your will and offer you an advanced course in discernment.
CANCER: June 21 – July 20
What happens next is anyone's guess. Things are going to change in ways that are hard to predict. So much of who you are and what you want is wrapped up in how other people feel about it, it would help if you could think about what matters to you for a change. If you can find a way to slow down and get quiet enough to listen to your inner voice, you will see that you need the rest of your life to do what you love. The pressure that you're under right now has reached its melting point. Don't go to extremes. If you can take your time with this shift, the sky is the limit.
LEO: July 21 – August 20
You have a better grip on where things are going than you give yourself credit for. The next few weeks will give you a chance to settle up all kinds of loose ends. At the moment, life is showing you what it really means to be honest. For some of you the truth is easy to tell. For others, the story gets mixed in with whatever you're unwilling to see, and your version of it gets drawn in patterns that keep bringing you back to the same old thing. Either way, it's your turn to reckon with this chaos and get as close as you can to whatever it takes to make your life ring true.
VIRGO: August 21 – September 20
Too many trials have generated a lack of certainty that has eroded your faith. If you feel like you're ready to fall apart, the deeper part of you knows that this is what happens when we get close to the truth. In reality this is a break-through. Right now, it's your job to find the light and see it clearly enough to know how to get through this. On a million different levels what seems like it's too much to bear has the potential to open your life up in ways that will absolutely amaze you. Our hardest lessons don't prove their worth until we find the strength to surrender to them.
LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
If things haven't gotten a little nuts, it would surprise me. And you're either on the case or you're wishing someone else could handle it. Waiting for others to wake up could take forever. In the meantime, too many things are falling through the cracks for you to waste another minute on people and things that will never pan out. Making what you can of a situation that pales in comparison to what you'd much rather be doing has no chance of working. In both the long run and the short run, you'll be way better off if you can find a way to tell it like it is and move on.
SCORPIO: October 21 – November 20
If you could figure out how to get around, or possibly even out of, this situation there's no telling how far you could go. The pressure to hang tight has been doubled by what you have watched your colleagues go through, and by the fact that you equate safety with hanging in there. At this point, you can do whatever you want. With or without a safety net, anything you set your heart to is bound to work. Before you can get clear enough to see this for yourself, locate the courage to go for it, and scroll back to the way your story was going approximately 7 years ago.
SAGITTARIUS: November 21 – December 20
Life is moving in a totally new direction. It's time to pull yourself together and get with the program. Bucking the system could very well be part of this. You could also be feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Between one extreme and another the complexities of the past are making the future seem as if you have only one or two options when in fact, there are many. The psychic component is huge right now. Trust your intuition and let your instincts be the ones to tell you how to manage a shift that will require you to relinquish everything but the truth.
CAPRICORN: December 21 - January 20
Don't fool yourself into thinking this is going to be hard. I don't need to tell you that the way we see things makes or breaks them. Old fears are giving you a run for your money. At the same time, the bigger part of you is wide awake and knows exactly how to proceed from here. For the next few months life will be about showing up and making sure your there for whatever's going on, 100%. What other people do is their business. Don't let your concerns create the sense that anyone has to be as involved with them as you are,and monitor your stress level meditatively.
AQUARIUS: January 21 – February 20
For someone who prides themselves on having it all figured out, you are feeling a little clueless. The outer stuff is less of an issue for you than whatever it is that drives you to make everything absolutely perfect. Enough time has elapsed for you to be able to relax into a more tolerant frame of mind. Less inclined to overwork for all the wrong reasons you are experimenting with a newfound need to stay grounded within the simplicity of daily life. Staying tuned in will require you to keep reminding yourself that you already ARE perfect and life was never meant to be hard.
PISCES: February 21 – March 20
Your only weakness is the tendency to expect your relationships to do it all for you. As you look at how to deepen your connection to yourself, you're beginning to realize that much of who you are is too entwined with other people. In the next few months you'll be dealing with situations that demand 100% of whatever you claim to stand for. If outside forces attempt to derail you, your choice will go between impossible odds and cutting your losses. Discretion is always the better part of valor. Don't be stupid and don't assume that giving up is any sign of failure.
The ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as the giver of life. Every June, when the star sank in the west and disappeared from the night sky, it remained hidden for seventy days or more before reemerging in the east in the morning. In their belief system this was understood to be a time of death and rebirth.
Even though we have lost touch with the significance of Sirius and his comings and goings, ‘As Above, So Below’ always applies and his comings and goings are as real for us now as they were then. From an energetic perspective we are entering a couple of months’ worth of difficult ‘stuff’. To tell you the truth, keeping an eye on it is starting to take its toll on me. This article is a little late getting posted because I looked at the charts for the week ahead and thought to myself; ‘What can you possibly say about this, and who made it your job? At this point things are so crazy, nothing is subject to prediction. Dress Rehearsal’s over. It’s ‘Show Time’ and everything rests in the arms of Human Free Will’, at a time when Human Free Will is out to lunch’.
Because Sirius is also referred to as our ‘Spiritual Sun’, or our Sun’s higher self, when he departs for the underworld, we here on Earth pass through an energetic nether region that goes on for a couple of months and which, in spite of all the light filled metaphors that we attach to the Summer Solstice, is famous for its level of darkness and difficulty.
We are just entering this stretch. Things are already out of control. Strap yourself in and keep your heart tuned to the High Road. The dam is breaking on more than a few fronts. For those of you who like to keep up with these things, here are a few aspects that highlight the week ahead:
- The Full Moon on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis; Whenever I see this combination I think of ‘Truth and Lies’. Privately and collectively, we are embarking on lessons that are meant to help us sort through our lies and excuses to get to the Truth.
- Nemesis square Saturn; This reads as, ‘The powers that be are the problem’.
- Sigma co-parallel Astraea: FYI, when I saw this, I thought, ‘Oh, my God’. Why? In addition to the birth chart, there are thirty-two epochal charts that get drawn for a soul between the moment of conception and the moment of death. The last chart on that list is referred to as the Sigma Chart. Sigma is also a planetary body. It is associated with death. At the moment, Sigma is co-parallel Astraea at 26-degrees Scorpio. Astraea is ‘the proximity of an ending’. If you can add two-and-two, this spells, ‘the end is near, but it’s not here yet’. Combining this with what we’ve said about Sirius disappearing into the nether regions, we’re heading into a dark time. With no support from the Dog Star, our personal and collective spiritual strength will be put to the test.
- Osiris at the midpoint of the South Node and the Moon: Ditto – refer to #3 – Think of the Osiris myth; Osiris was murdered and dismembered by his evil brother, Set. He was restored to life by his sister/wife, Isis. The Moon is the past; so is the South Node. How would you interpret this midpoint picture? Could it mean that the past is over? And if like the myth, Isis shows up to put us back together, could it be that we will be given a chance to live again?
- Circe inconjunct Nemesis; The impulse to be overly generous or helpful is at odds with common sense. To try to help others when you are the one who needs help. The flip side of this is, ‘someone’s helping themselves at your expense and you are blind to it’.
There is more. I could go on about the stars but it’s over the top and it’s starting to get to me. Aside from that I have to talk with you about something that I’ve been putting off for a while.
For the last few years, the people who love and care for me have been telling me to start charging for these weekly reports. Between my ‘poverty complex’ and the fear that charging money for my work would turn me into a ‘Lipstick Astrologer’ I always said, ‘No’, to their advice. Of late, between my age, the time it takes to study the charts and write the words, and the fact that week after week I feel more like an EMT or a CSI reporter than an astrologer, I have decided to charge a nominal fee for the column that I post here every weekend. You could say, ‘Don’t work so hard, or go so deep, or take that much time’, but that’s not me. Besides, when I look at these charts and see what I see there’s no way to ‘unsee’ it or talk about the train wreck without paying attention to the blood on the tracks. Keeping it light wouldn’t just be condescending, it would be lying to you.
The logistics that go with this decision are underway. I don’t know how long these things take, or what form they will take, but the next time we meet there may be some financial noodling to do. The fee will be fair and nominal.
I hope that you understand – I hope that this won’t stop you from tuning in or stop us from connecting. I will keep doing my best to share myself with you: your support will make that, and my life, easier for me.
That’s all for now. Your horoscopes are here. Sorry for the delayed posting. It took me a while to figure out how to explain this. Till next time –
ARIES: March 21 – April 20
No one has ever been able to tell you a thing, but I will take a chance and go for it. You can keep this up but sooner or later it'll be one of those things that reminds you what you would have done if you had known better. You have arrived at the place that everyone gets to when they realize they went too far. If you have your wits about you, it will be easier to pull your head out of your butt and tell everyone why you feel the way you do. Coming back to yourself is the only way. Let all of your actions reflect your desire to finally give birth to whatever you’ve put off for far too long.
TAURUS: April 21 – May 20
Playing both ends to the middle is what's going on. Sooner or later, you're going to have to make a choice. Others are freaking out about the fact that they don't know where you're coming from, and you are so wrapped up in who you think you are, you stopped looking at the reality of your situation about a year ago. Now that it's time to face things you've got to get down to the bone and stop over dramatizing them. Life is pretty simple when you come right down to it; but the truth can be a hard thing to tell. Once you give it a voice it'll open the space for you to move on.
GEMINI: May 21 – June 20
Life has put you in the hot seat and you are either rising to the occasion or you're imagining the worst and praying your ass off. Others are oblivious, so don't waste a minute expecting people to turn into something they are not. What's up to you would be less of a deal if anyone had bothered to give you a template, or some instructions for it. As you get accustomed to the fact that what's on top of the stack is entirely up to you, you will begin to see who's who. Lots of heavy-duty liars and posers have shown up to test your will and offer you an advanced course in discernment.
CANCER: June 21 – July 20
What happens next is anyone's guess. Things are going to change in ways that are hard to predict. So much of who you are and what you want is wrapped up in how other people feel about it, it would help if you could think about what matters to you for a change. If you can find a way to slow down and get quiet enough to listen to your inner voice, you will see that you need the rest of your life to do what you love. The pressure that you're under right now has reached its melting point. Don't go to extremes. If you can take your time with this shift, the sky is the limit.
LEO: July 21 – August 20
You have a better grip on where things are going than you give yourself credit for. The next few weeks will give you a chance to settle up all kinds of loose ends. At the moment, life is showing you what it really means to be honest. For some of you the truth is easy to tell. For others, the story gets mixed in with whatever you're unwilling to see, and your version of it gets drawn in patterns that keep bringing you back to the same old thing. Either way, it's your turn to reckon with this chaos and get as close as you can to whatever it takes to make your life ring true.
VIRGO: August 21 – September 20
Too many trials have generated a lack of certainty that has eroded your faith. If you feel like you're ready to fall apart, the deeper part of you knows that this is what happens when we get close to the truth. In reality this is a break-through. Right now, it's your job to find the light and see it clearly enough to know how to get through this. On a million different levels what seems like it's too much to bear has the potential to open your life up in ways that will absolutely amaze you. Our hardest lessons don't prove their worth until we find the strength to surrender to them.
LIBRA: September 21 – October 20
If things haven't gotten a little nuts, it would surprise me. And you're either on the case or you're wishing someone else could handle it. Waiting for others to wake up could take forever. In the meantime, too many things are falling through the cracks for you to waste another minute on people and things that will never pan out. Making what you can of a situation that pales in comparison to what you'd much rather be doing has no chance of working. In both the long run and the short run, you'll be way better off if you can find a way to tell it like it is and move on.
SCORPIO: October 21 – November 20
If you could figure out how to get around, or possibly even out of, this situation there's no telling how far you could go. The pressure to hang tight has been doubled by what you have watched your colleagues go through, and by the fact that you equate safety with hanging in there. At this point, you can do whatever you want. With or without a safety net, anything you set your heart to is bound to work. Before you can get clear enough to see this for yourself, locate the courage to go for it, and scroll back to the way your story was going approximately 7 years ago.
SAGITTARIUS: November 21 – December 20
Life is moving in a totally new direction. It's time to pull yourself together and get with the program. Bucking the system could very well be part of this. You could also be feeling like a stranger in a strange land. Between one extreme and another the complexities of the past are making the future seem as if you have only one or two options when in fact, there are many. The psychic component is huge right now. Trust your intuition and let your instincts be the ones to tell you how to manage a shift that will require you to relinquish everything but the truth.
CAPRICORN: December 21 - January 20
Don't fool yourself into thinking this is going to be hard. I don't need to tell you that the way we see things makes or breaks them. Old fears are giving you a run for your money. At the same time, the bigger part of you is wide awake and knows exactly how to proceed from here. For the next few months life will be about showing up and making sure your there for whatever's going on, 100%. What other people do is their business. Don't let your concerns create the sense that anyone has to be as involved with them as you are,and monitor your stress level meditatively.
AQUARIUS: January 21 – February 20
For someone who prides themselves on having it all figured out, you are feeling a little clueless. The outer stuff is less of an issue for you than whatever it is that drives you to make everything absolutely perfect. Enough time has elapsed for you to be able to relax into a more tolerant frame of mind. Less inclined to overwork for all the wrong reasons you are experimenting with a newfound need to stay grounded within the simplicity of daily life. Staying tuned in will require you to keep reminding yourself that you already ARE perfect and life was never meant to be hard.
PISCES: February 21 – March 20
Your only weakness is the tendency to expect your relationships to do it all for you. As you look at how to deepen your connection to yourself, you're beginning to realize that much of who you are is too entwined with other people. In the next few months you'll be dealing with situations that demand 100% of whatever you claim to stand for. If outside forces attempt to derail you, your choice will go between impossible odds and cutting your losses. Discretion is always the better part of valor. Don't be stupid and don't assume that giving up is any sign of failure.
“The Walk of Life”
I have been a working astrologer for fifty years. The column that you see posted here every Sunday has been in print for the last thirty. Over time, my horoscopes have gained quite a following. Of late, they have expanded to include articles that showcase more than just run-of-the-mill, sign-to-sign predictions. If you learn something from what you find here, or if what I write helps you to make sense of things, or inspires you in some way, it means a lot to me. While you are on this website, you are welcome to take a look around. There are short stories, articles, videos, and free downloads that you won’t find anywhere else. All of it is free, and shared with a desire to bring light to the world. On any day when what’s written here opens your heart or your mind to something new, and you feel called to ‘pay it forward’ with some ‘loose change’, a donation, large or small, made to my PayPal account (paypal.me/calgarrisongmailcom) would be greatly appreciated, and make it possible for me to not only share the very best of what I have to offer, but to continue, “The Walk of Life”.
“The Walk of Life”
I have been a working astrologer for fifty years. The column that you see posted here every Sunday has been in print for the last thirty. Over time, my horoscopes have gained quite a following. Of late, they have expanded to include articles that showcase more than just run-of-the-mill, sign-to-sign predictions. If you learn something from what you find here, or if what I write helps you to make sense of things, or inspires you in some way, it means a lot to me. While you are on this website, you are welcome to take a look around. There are short stories, articles, videos, and free downloads that you won’t find anywhere else. All of it is free, and shared with a desire to bring light to the world. On any day when what’s written here opens your heart or your mind to something new, and you feel called to ‘pay it forward’ with some ‘loose change’, a donation, large or small, made to my PayPal account (paypal.me/calgarrisongmailcom) would be greatly appreciated, and make it possible for me to not only share the very best of what I have to offer, but to continue, “The Walk of Life”.